“Yo Soy Mi Ruta” (“I am my own path”), is a one-woman show in which, by using my own life story as the narrative, I invite the audience to consider that all people have their own story to tell. I aim to empower the audience to hear and be heard, see and be seen. This is a multi-sensory journey of discovery via improvisatory sonic material, video, and processed field recordings.

The collaborative work for this project is twofold.  Firstly, it involves connecting with members of the community around where I live and around the world to gather recordings of their voices telling their personal stories for use in the electronics.  

Secondly, I am working with photographer Marc Perlish to help me realize the concept of "hearing with the eyes" in order to illustrate one’s individual path.  As a long-term collaborator of mine, Marc has a clear understanding of my aesthetic and together we will have a dialogue between visuals and sound.

Share your story with me: Start by telling me your name as it should be pronounced. Would you like to say more about yourself? (The way you want to be seen/heard? Your own way to tell your story!)

Upload your audio file to yosoymiruta@gmail.com